We’re seeking portraits of hymn writers, translators, composers & arrangers to illustrate this site (see requests on individual hymn and biography pages).
If you find one of the requested images online, attach it to an e-mail and send it to us. Or just send us a link to the online image.
If you have a physical copy of a requested image (for example, a photographic print) please scan it for us. Scanning
is the process of storing a picture electronically so a computer can display it.
We can use scanned pictures in JPG (preferred), TIFF, BMP, GIF, PCX, FPX, PNG, ACC and MIX formats. Note: If you send us sheet music, a file in NoteWorthy Composer or MuseScore format is the most efficient for us. If you can’t do that, a scanned image is OK.
attachment typeis
MIME(this is usually the default) and send it. That’s all there is!
About Copyrights: Photos of people who died in or earlier are usually in the public domain (that is, not copyrighted).
We can post copyrighted material only if the copyright holder has given written permission. If you send us copyrighted material, please include the permission statement from copyright holder.
There are many images we need, but the lists below show our greatest needs. For most of these people, we have poor quality or very small images. For others, we have no image at all.
If you have (or can find) good quality head-and-shoulders pictures (at least 200×300 pixels) of these people (or anyone else whose picture we’re missing), it would a great blessing!