The Cyber Hymnal™

Pictures Needed

We’re seek­ing por­traits of hymn writ­ers, trans­lat­ors, com­pos­ers & ar­rang­ers to il­lus­trate this site (see re­quests on in­di­vid­ual hymn and bio­gra­phy pag­es).

If you find one of the re­quest­ed im­ag­es on­line, at­tach it to an e-mail and send it to us. Or just send us a link to the online im­age.

If you have a phy­si­cal co­py of a re­quest­ed im­age (for ex­am­ple, a pho­to­graph­ic print) please scan it for us. Scan­ning is the pro­cess of stor­ing a pic­ture elec­tron­ic­al­ly so a com­put­er can dis­play it.

We can use scanned pic­tures in JPG (pre­ferred), TIFF, BMP, GIF, PCX, FPX, PNG, ACC and MIX for­mats. Note: If you send us sheet mu­sic, a file in Note­Wor­thy Com­pos­er or Muse­Score for­mat is the most ef­fi­cient for us. If you can’t do that, a scanned im­age is OK.

About Co­py­rights: Pho­to­s of peo­ple who died in or ear­li­er are usu­al­ly in the pub­lic do­main (that is, not co­py­right­ed).

We can post co­py­right­ed ma­te­ri­al on­ly if the co­py­right hold­er has giv­en writ­ten per­miss­ion. If you send us co­py­right­ed ma­te­ri­al, please in­clude the per­mis­sion state­ment from co­py­right hold­er.

There are ma­ny im­ag­es we need, but the lists be­low show our great­est needs. For most of these peo­ple, we have poor qua­li­ty or ve­ry small im­ag­es. For oth­ers, we have no im­age at all.

If you have (or can find) good qua­li­ty head-and-shoulders pic­tures (at least 200×300 pixels) of these peo­ple (or any­one else whose pic­ture we’re mis­sing), it would a great bless­ing!

Highest Priority Picture Needs

  1. Alonzo J. Ab­bey
  2. Alexander Clark
  3. François H. Bar­thé­lé­mon
  4. John B. Cal­kin
  5. J. M. Kief­fer
  6. George A. Löhr
  7. C. Har­old Low­den
  8. Joseph Scri­ven

Other Picture Needs

  1. Miriam E. Ar­nold
  2. Jonathan B. At­chin­son
  3. Henry W. Bak­er
  4. Edward S. Barnes
  5. Eugene M. Bart­lett, Sr.
  6. John O. Beall
  7. Thomas N. Beall
  8. C. Lou­ise Bell
  9. Emma F. Be­van
  10. William B. Blake, Sr.
  11. Claude H. Bot­toms
  12. Edmond L. Bu­dry
  13. Lavinia E. Brauff
  14. Elizabeth H. Cod­ner
  15. J. Howard Ent­wisle
  16. Thomas J. Far­ris
  17. Archer T. Gur­ney
  18. Dorothy F. Gur­ney
  19. Catherine Han­key
  20. Palmer Hart­sough
  21. William H. Hew­lett
  22. Laurene High­field
  23. Henry J. E. Holmes
  24. Samuel L. How­ard
  25. Ralph E. Hud­son
  26. John Hughes
  27. Asa Hull
  28. Charles P. Jones
  29. Harriet E. Jones
  30. Robert G. Kat­su­noff
  31. J. S. Kim­brough
  32. James M. Kirk
  33. Flora Kirk­land
  34. John H. Kurz­en­knabe
  35. J. H. Les­lie
  36. William J. Lowe
  37. Irvin H. Mack
  38. R. B. Ma­haf­fey
  39. Frederick C. Mak­er
  40. William E. Marks
  41. Mary F. Maude
  42. Cleland B. Mc­Afee
  43. John S. B. Mon­sell
  44. Merritt J. Mun­ger
  45. John Need­ham
  46. William H. Neidl­ing­er
  47. William H. Neil­son, Jr.
  48. Augustus Ne­lson
  49. Henry E. Ni­chol
  50. Johnson Oat­man, Jr.
  51. Edward Os­ler
  52. Kristian Os­ter­gaard
  53. William G. Ov­ens
  54. Moreton W. Ow­en
  55. Priscilla J. Owe­ns
  56. Michele Pal­ma
  57. William O. Per­kins
  58. Thomas B. Pol­lock
  59. William A. Post
  60. William J. Ram­say
  61. Benjamin M. Ram­sey
  62. George Raw­son
  63. Isham E. Rey­nolds
  64. Ditlef Ris­tad
  65. A. J. Ro­bert­son
  66. Henri L. Ros­si­er
  67. Elton M. Roth
  68. Thomas Ry­der
  69. Clement C. Schole­field
  70. John M. Sloan
  71. Georgiana M. Tay­lor
  72. Gerhard Ter­stee­gen
  73. Ernest L. Thomp­son
  74. Edith J. S. Til­lot­son
  75. Henry L. Tuc­ker
  76. Henry Twells
  77. Edwin Uf­ford
  78. William R. Wag­horne
  79. A. Samuel Wall­gren
  80. Thomas M. D. Ward
  81. George J. Webb
  82. Joseph P. Web­ster
  83. Amos R. Wells
  84. Robert A. West
  85. Benjamin F. White
  86. Edna Wor­rell