?- circa 1786


Needham was the son of John Need­ham, Bap­tist min­is­ter of Hitch­in, Hert­ford­shire, Eng­land.

He was doubt­less edu­cat­ed by his fa­ther, who was a tu­tor and in re­pute as a learned man.

In 1746, Need­ham moved to Bris­tol, where in 1750 he be­came co-pas­tor with John Bed­dome at the Bap­tist meet­ing house in Pith­ay. Two years lat­er, Bed­dome hav­ing re­tired, a vio­lent con­tro­ver­sy arose with­in the con­gre­ga­tion re­gard­ing the co-pas­tor sys­tem.

As a re­sult, Need­ham and a num­ber of his friends moved to a Bap­tist meet­ing house in Cal­low­hill Street, where a Mr. Foot was pas­tor. For a time the two groups used the same build­ing at dif­fer­ent hours, but in 1755 they unit­ed, with Need­ham and Foot as co-pas­tors. The ar­range­ment con­tin­ued at least to 1774, but both Need­ham and Foot died by 1787.




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