

Born: March 2, 1811, St. Col­umb’s, Lon­don­der­ry, Ire­land.

Died: Ap­ril 9, 1875, Guild­ford, Sur­rey, Eng­land.

Buried: Guild­ford Ce­me­tery, Guild­ford, Sur­rey, Eng­land.



John was the son of Tho­mas Bew­ley Mon­sell, arch­dea­con of Lon­don­der­ry, Ire­land, and hus­band of Anne Wall­er (mar­ried Jan­ua­ry 15, 1835).

He at­tend­ed Tri­ni­ty Col­lege in Du­blin, and was or­dained in 1834.

In 1853, he was as­signed to a post in Eng­land. He was vi­car of Eg­ham, Sur­rey, un­til 1870, and rec­tor at St. Ni­cho­las’, Guild­ford, un­til 1875, when he was killed by a fall from the roof of the church while it was be­ing re­built.


His 11 vol­umes of po­et­ry en­com­pass al­most 300 hymns.


Where Is My Grave?

Where is my grave? ’mid the si­lent dead
Of the church­yard throng shall I lay my head?
Shall I sleep in peace with those who erst
In hap­pi­er years my child­hood nursed,
With them be­neath the same green sod,
My soul with theirs gone to meet its God?

Where is my grave? in the migh­ty deep
’Mid the trea­sures of ocean-caves shall I sleep?
With those who have slept there for ag­es be­fore
Far from their loved and na­tive shore,
The sand my bed, the rocks my pil­low,
And cra­dled to rest by the toss­ing bil­low?

Where is my grave? on the bat­tle plain,
Where sleep in the war­ri­or’s bed the slain?
Where fierce­ly the rush of the war-steed past,
Where the ty­rant hath fought and breathed his last,
And the foe and the friend one com­mon bed share,
Shall the place of my last re­pose be there?

Where is my grave? ’neath some for­eign sky
Shall I lay down my wear­ied limbs and die?
Far over mount­ain, far ov­er wave,
Shall the wild flow­ers bloom on my lone­ly grave,
In the land of the stran­ger, where none are near
To breathe the soft sigh, and to shed the sad tear?

Where is my grave? in the burn­ing sand
Of Afric’s bright and sul­try land
Shall I sleep, when my toil and la­bor are o’er,
A weary shep­herd on that far shore,
With no re­cord to tell, save the cross by my side,
Of what faith I had preached, in what hope I had died?

Where is my grave? It mat­ters not where!
But to my home be­yond—it is there, it is there
Where God wipes tears from ev­ery eye,
And the Lamb is the light of a sun­less sky,
Where sin, and death, and sor­row o’er,
They who en­ter in go out no more.

John S. B. Mon­sell
Parish Mus­ings, 1863




Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mon­sell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),