Scripture Verse

My heart rejoices in Your salvation. Psalm 13:5


John Monsell (1811–1875)

Words: John S. B. Mon­sell, Hymns of Love and Praise 1863. Re­vised in his Par­ish Hym­nal, 1873.

Music: Her­mas Fran­ces R. Ha­ver­gal, Psal­mo­dy (Lon­don: 1871) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Frances R. Havergal


On our way re­joic­ing,
As we home­ward move,
Hearken to our prais­es,
O Thou God of love!
Is there grief or sad­ness?
Thou our joy shalt be;
Is our sky be­cloud­ed?
There is light with Thee.


On our way re­joic­ing,
As we home­ward move,
Hearken to our prais­es,
O Thou God of love!

If with hon­est heart­ed
Love for God and man,
Day by day Thou find us
Doing all we can,
Thou who gives the seed time,
Will give large in­crease,
Crown the head with bless­ings,
Fill the heart with peace.


On our way re­joic­ing
Gladly let us go;
Conquered hath our lead­er,
Vanquished is our foe;
Christ with­out, our safe­ty,
Christ with­in, our joy;
Who, if we be faith­ful,
Can our hope de­stroy?


Unto God the Fa­ther
Joyful songs we sing;
Unto God the Sav­ior
Thankful hearts we bring;
Unto God the Spir­it
Bow we and ad­ore;
On our way re­joic­ing
Now and ev­er­more.
