Scripture Verse

…and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


Louis J. F. Hérold (1791–1833)

Words: John S. B. Mon­sell, Hymns of Love and Praise 1863, page 23.

Music: Mes­si­ah Lou­is J. Hér­old, 1830. Ar­ranged by George Kings­ley, 1838 (🔊 pdf nwc).

John S. B. Monsell (1811–1875)


Glory be to God on high!
Peace on earth! good will to men!
Angels tell it from the sky,
Sinners an­swer it again;
Ye who round the throne ad­mire,
Ye who are re­deemed on earth,
Swell the ev­er­last­ing choir,
Sing the glo­ri­ous Sav­ior’s birth.

We were lost, but we are found,
Dead, but now alive are we;
We were sore in bond­age bound,
Till He came to set us free;
Strangers, and He takes us in,
Naked, He be­comes our dress,
Sick, and He from stain of sin
Cleanses with His right­eous­ness.

Therefore will we sing His praise
Who His lost ones hath re­stored,
Hearts and voic­es both shall raise
Hallelujahs to the Lord;
Alleluia! Heav’n is won!
Alleluia! man is free!
Alleluia! God’s own Son
Savior is eter­na­lly!

In the low­est, far be­neath
All the depths of hu­man care,
Where, amid the shades of death,
Man knew no­thing but des­pair;
In the high­est, far above
Seraph’s gaze or an­gel’s ken,
Glory to the God of Love!
Peace on earth! good will to men!