

Born: March 20, 1806, North­amp­ton, North­amp­ton­shire, Eng­land.

Died: No­vem­ber 18, 1874, rec­to­ry of South­wick, West Su­ssex, Eng­land.

Buried: St. Mi­chael and All An­gels church­yard, South­wick, West Su­ssex, Eng­land.


Son of Rev­er­end Tho­mas Clout, Ar­thur changed his sur­name to Rus­sell, af­ter an In­de­pen­dent or Con­gre­ga­tion­al min­is­ter known for ed­it­ing the works of Tyn­dale, Frith, Barnes, Dr. John Ow­en, and oth­ers.

He at­tend­ed St. Sav­iour’s School, South­wark, and the Mer­chant Tay­lors’ School in Lon­don. From 1822–24 he was at Man­che­ster Col­lege, York.

In 1825 he en­rolled at St. John’s Col­lege, Cam­bridge, as a si­zar, and in his fresh­man year won the Hul­se­an Prize, its sub­ject be­ing In what re­spects the Law is a School­mas­ter to bring men to Christ.

In 1829, Rus­sell was or­dained by Bi­shop Kaye of Lin­coln, and be­came cur­ate at Great Grans­den, Cam­bridge­shire. The next year, he be­came vic­ar of Cax­ton, a post he held un­til 1852.

Russell’s first ap­pear­ance as a hymn wri­ter was in the third ed­it­ion of the hymn book pub­lished by his fa­ther (first ed­it­ion, 1813).





Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Rus­sell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),