Scripture Verse

The Lord is risen indeed. Luke 24:34


Words: Ar­thur T. Rus­sell, Psalms and Hymns (Cam­bridge, Eng­land: John Deigh­ton, 1851), num­ber 111.

Music: Je­sus Chris­tus un­ser Herr Eu­cha­ri­us Zinck­eis­en, Kirch­en Ge­säng (Frank­furt am Main, Ger­ma­ny, 1584) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Zinck­eis­en or Rus­sell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Christ is ris­en!
O’er His foes He reign­eth;
Head o’er all things,
He all worlds sus­tain­eth:
Sing hal­le­lu­jah! Hal­le­lu­ja!
Christ the Lord is ris­en!

Christ is ris­en!
Now to us is giv­en
Through His sor­rows,
Peace, His peace from Hea­ven!
Sing hal­le­lu­jah! Hal­le­lu­ja!
Christ the Lord is ris­en!

Christ is ris­en!
Now His Church in­her­its
Life eter­nal
Through her Sav­ior’s mer­its:
Sing hal­le­lu­jah! Hal­le­lu­ja!
Christ the Lord is ris­en!

Christ is ris­en!
Praise and ado­ra­tion,
Lord, we bring Thee;
And with ex­ul­ta­tion,
Sing hal­le­lu­jah! Hal­le­lu­ja!
Christ the Lord is ris­en!