Scripture Verse

Being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Philippians 2:8


Words: Ar­thur T. Rus­sell, Psalms and Hymns (Cam­bridge, Eng­land: John Deigh­ton, 1851), num­ber 83.

Music: Nun nimm mein Herz Jo­hann A. Frey­ling­hau­sen, 1713 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Rus­sell (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Johann A. Freylinghausen


O Lord, we sing Thy great hu­mil­ity:
By Thee re­deemed, our all we bring to Thee.
That we might live
Thou didst on Cal­va­ry give
Thy life for our sal­va­tion.
Oh great hu­mi­li­ation!

Before all worlds Thou art, who yet didst deign
To take our flesh and bow to mor­tal pain.
Thee cru­ci­fied
Thy guil­ty foes de­ride:
O Lord, for their sal­va­tion
Was Thy hu­mi­li­ation!

No more let pride in us, O Je­su! dwell,
Or vain­ly shall our praise Thy sor­rows tell.
May all like Thee
Now meek and low­ly be:
So bless our con­tem­pla­tion
Of Thy hu­mi­li­ation.