Scripture Verse

The true light now shineth. 1 John 2:8


Words: An­ders A. Ach­re­ni­us (1745–1810). Trans­lat­ed to Eng­lish by Her­mann H. M. Brueck­ner in the Am­eri­can Lu­ther­an Hym­nal, ed­it­ed by Em­ma­nu­el Pop­pen (Co­lum­bus, Ohio: Lu­ther­an Book Con­cern,1930), number 309.

Music: Tre­bel Gott­fried H. Tre­bel (1835–1924) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Ach­re­ni­us, Brueck­ner or Tre­bel (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Arise, my soul, new light re­ceiv­ing,
The dis­mal haunts of sor­row flee;
All earth­ly care and wor­ry leav­ing,
Come forth the sun of joy to see.
The Lamb of God for thee hath trea­sured
Celestial joys as yet un­mea­sured;
A won­drous feast He doth pro­vide.
Then wilt thou shine in heav’nly splen­dor
And unto God thy prais­es ren­der
’Mid joys that ev­er shall abide.

Arise, my soul, to joy awak­en,
The shin­ing robes of glad­ness wear;
God’s co­ve­nant re­mains un­shak­en,
He will with thee His Hea­ven share.
Thine eyes, such un­dimmed bliss be­hold­ing,
Shall see new glo­ries still un­fold­ing,
Thy brow a jew­eled crown shall wear.
In gar­ments of pure white ap­pear­ing,
Nor sin nor Sa­tan ev­er fear­ing,
Thou shalt be safe in God’s own care.

Arise, my soul, no more re­pin­ing,
A he­ri­tage is kept for thee.
Thou like the an­gels fair and shin­ing
Shalt God’s un­co­vered glo­ry see.
The veil shall fall, no long­er hid­ing
The things in Heav’n for thee abid­ing
And all whom God hath called His own.
Such pro­mised glo­ry con­tem­plat­ing,
Rejoice, my soul, though still await­ing,
Till thou shalt stand be­fore God’s throne.

Arise, my soul, to hear the sound­ing
Of harp and psal­te­ry above;
Come, join the choir God’s throne sur­round­ing
And sing of God’s un­bound­ed love.
No tongue can tell what strains of glad­ness
Shall there re­place the cries of sad­ness
That here from bur­dened hearts arise.
Then sing, my soul, of God’s sal­va­tion,
And laud the Lord of all cre­ation,
Who wel­comes thee to pa­ra­dise.