Antti Abrahaminpoika Achrenius


Born: April 5, 1745, Tur­ku, Fin­land.

Died: July 23, 1810, Nou­si­ai­nen, Fin­land.


Anders was the son of Ab­ra­ham Si­mons­son Ach­re­ni­us and Kris­ti­na Svan­beck, and hus­band of Kri­st­ina Ka­ta­ri­na Sahl­stedt.

He began studies at the Tur­ku Aca­de­my in 1758, and graduated with a master’s de­gree in phi­lo­so­phy, Ju­ly 24, 1766.

He was or­dained a priest in the Tur­ku dio­cese Feb­ru­ary 18, 1769, then served as as­sist­ant to his fa­ther, the Vi­car of Nou­si­ai­nen. He be­came Vi­car of Nou­si­ai­nen in 1778, and lat­er served as coun­ty go­ver­nor (1793–1806).

He is re­mem­bered as a po­et and hymn writ­er.



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