Scripture Verse

They found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors. Luke 2:46


Jesus Teaches the Teachers

Words: James R. Woodford, 1863.

Music: Fran­co­nia (Kö­nig), in Har­mo­nisch­er Lied­er-Schatz, by Jo­hann B. Kö­nig (Frank­furt, Ger­ma­ny: 1738), har­mo­nized in Old Church Psal­mo­dy, by Will­iam H. Ha­ver­gal, 1847 (🔊 pdf nwc).

James Woodford
National Portrait Gallery



Within the Fa­ther’s house
The Son hath found His home;
And to His tem­ple sud­denly
The Lord of Life hath come.

The doc­tors of the law
Gaze on the won­drous child,
And mar­vel at His gra­cious words
Of wis­dom un­de­filed.

Yet not to them is giv’n
The migh­ty truth to know,
To lift the flesh­ly veil which hides
Incarnate God be­low.

The sec­ret of the Lord
Escapes each hu­man eye,
And faith­ful pon­der­ing hearts await
The full epi­pha­ny.

Lord, vis­it Thou our souls,
And teach us by Thy grace
Each dim re­veal­ing of Thy­self
With lov­ing awe to trace;

Till from our dark­ened sight
The cloud shall pass away,
And on the cleans­èd soul shall burst
The ev­er­last­ing day.

Till we behold Thy face,
And know, as we are known,
Thee, Fa­ther, Son, and Ho­ly Ghost,
Co-equal Three in One.