Scripture Verse

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Psalm 19:1


Samuel Stennett

Words: Sam­uel Sten­nett, in A Se­lect­ion of Hymns from the Best Au­thors, by John Rip­pon, 1787.

Music: Cro­mer John A. Lloyd, Sr. (1815–1874) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

John A. Lloyd (1815–1874)


To God, the uni­vers­al King,
Let all man­kind their tri­bute bring;
All that have breath! your voic­es raise,
In songs of ne­ver end­ing praise.

The spa­cious earth on which we tread,
And wid­er hea­vens stretched o’er our head,
A large and so­lemn tem­ple frame,
To ce­le­brate its build­er’s fame.

Here the bright sun, that rules the day,
As through the sky he makes his way,
To all the world pro­claims aloud
The bound­less so­ver­eign­ty of God.

When from his courts the sun re­tires,
And with the day his voice ex­pires,
The moon and stars adopt the song,
And through the night the praise pro­long.

The list­ening earth with rap­ture hears
Th’har­mo­ni­ous mu­sic of the spheres;
And all her tribes the notes re­peat,
That God is wise, and good and great.

But man, en­dowed with nob­ler pow­ers,
His God in nob­ler strains ad­ores;
His is the gift to know the song,
As well as sing with tune­ful tongue.