


Born: June 14, 1815, High Street, Mold, Flint­shire, Wales.

Died: No­vem­ber 14, 1874, Li­ver­pool, Eng­land.

Buried: Ne­cro­po­lis (now Grant Gar­dens), Li­ver­pool, Eng­land.


John was the son of En­och Lloyd and Ca­the­rine Am­brose, and hus­band of Ca­the­rine Ev­ans.

His fa­ther was or­dained min­is­ter of Hill Cliffe Cha­pel, War­ring­ton, in 1830. Af­ter his par­ents moved to Hill Cliffe, John and his bro­ther Is­aac moved to Li­ver­pool.

John ev­en­tu­al­ly be­came as­sistant mas­ter in a pri­vate school in Li­ver­pool, and lat­er joined the staff of the Pic­ton school. In 1838, he began to teach in the Li­ver­pool Me­chan­ics’ In­sti­tute.

In 1849, he gave up teach­ing due to bad health and he and a friend be­gan a short-lived li­tho­gra­phy bu­si­ness.

John lat­er worked as a com­mer­cial tra­vel­er (com­pa­ny rep­re­sent­ative) in North Wales for the firm of Fran­cis Firth, Liv­er­pool, and the suc­cess­or firm of Wood­all and Jones. He left this post in 1871 due to ill health.

While in Li­ver­pool, John was pre­cen­tor at the Ta­ber­na­cle Con­gre­gation­al church, where his cou­sin Will­iam Am­brose (Em­rys) was a mem­ber. In 1841, he moved to the Brown­low Hill Con­gre­ga­tion­al cha­pel, where he al­so served as pre­cen­tor.

In 1851 he moved to Bwlch Bach. He moved to Ches­ter in 1852 for bet­ter edu­ca­tion­al op­por­tu­ni­ties for his child­ren. In 1864, he moved to Rhyl, and spent the rest of his life there.


Lloyd com­posed hymn tunes, an­thems, part songs, and the can­ta­ta The Pray­er of Hab­ak­kuk. He cre­at­ed his first hymn tune, Wyddgrug, in Li­ver­pool in 1831, at age 16.

John’s son, Charles Fran­cis Lloyd, with How­ell Lew­is (El­fed), wrote his bio­gra­phy: John Am­brose Lloyd. His­to­ry of His Life and Works.


