Scripture Verse

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven. Matthew 5:16


Words: Ma­ry Bern­stech­er, 1916. Ap­peared in The Ta­ber­na­cle Hymns, by Da­ni­el Tow­ner &Ar­thur W. Mc­Kee (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: un­dat­ed, about 1916), num­ber 2.

Music: Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bern­stech­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Daniel Towner (1850–1919)


Send out a light as you go your way,
A bea­con of hope when sha­dows are gray;
Send out a light that for Je­sus will shine,
Proving to oth­ers God’s mer­cy di­vine.


Send out a light, a ra­di­ant light,
That will pierce thro’ the gloom
Of some­one’s dark night,
Send out a light, a bright beam­ing light,
Send out a light for Je­sus.

Send out a light when your bur­dens press,
And show to the world that Je­sus will bless;
Thro’ dark­est sor­rows and bit­ter­est pain,
Send out a light—it will not shine in vain.


Send out a light un­to those who stray,
All heed­less along de­struct­ion’s high­way;
Point them to path­ways of pur­er de­light,
And let your life dai­ly send out a light.
