Scripture Verse

He is risen from the dead. Matthew 28:7


Words: Flo­ra Kirk­land, in The Bi­ble School Hym­nal, by Is­aac H. Me­re­dith & Grant C. Tul­lar (New York: Tul­lar-Me­re­dith, 1907), num­ber 225.

Music: E. G. Snell­ing (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Snell­ing’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Ring, ye chim­ing bells, your glad­some sto­ry,
At this hap­py time, this won­drous East­er time!
Telling how the King arose in glo­ry,
Ring your sweet­est chime,
Your glad tri­um­phant chime.


Ring, ye bells! ring as dawn ap­pear­eth!
Ring, oh ring, for the an­gels bright
Came to tell news that ev­er cheer­eth
All the pil­grims who seek the light.

Ever, as you chime the East­er glad­ness,
Out of dis­tant years, yea, out of si­lent years,
Cometh still the balm for earth­ly sad­ness,
Calm for earth­ly fears
And joy for earth­ly tears.


Look! we al­most seem to see the shin­ing
Of the an­gel bright, in glo­ri­ous robes of light!
Hark! he saith, The one in death re­clin­ing,
Hath aris’n in might,
Aris’n in pow’r and might!
