Scripture Verse

Increase our faith. Luke 17:5


Words: Tho­mas J. Shel­ton, in Joy and Glad­ness, ed­it­ed by James H. Fill­more (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Fill­more Bro­thers, 1880).

Music: Ol­ve­ra Street James H. Ro­se­crans (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Shel­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

James H. Rosecrans


One step at a time, dear Sav­ior:
I can­not take any more;
The flesh is so weak and hope­less:
I know not what is be­fore.


One step at a time, dear Sav­ior,
Till faith grows strong­er in Thee;
One step at a time, dear Sav­ior,
Till hope grows strong­er in me.

One step at a time, dear Sav­ior:
I am not walk­ing by sight;
Keep step with my soul, dear Sav­ior:
I walk by faith in Thy might.


One step at a time, dear Sav­ior:
O guard my fal­ter­ing feet!
Keep hold of my hand, dear Sav­ior,
Till I my jour­ney com­plete.


One step at a time, dear Sav­ior:
Thou know­est all of my fear;
One word from Thy heart, dear Sav­ior,
And Hea­ven’s man­sions ap­pear.
