Scripture Verse

He lives by the power of God. 2 Corinthians 13:4


Eleanor A. Schroll (1878–1966)

Words: El­ea­nor A. Schroll, in Life Songs, ed­it­ed by Sam­uel F. Coff­man & John D. Brunk (Scott­dale, Penn­syl­van­ia: Men­non­ite Pub­lish­ing House, 1916), num­ber 218.

Music: James H. Fill­more, Sr. (🔊 pdf nwc).

James H. Fillmore, Sr. (1849–1936)


Rejoice, for the Sav­ior has ris­en,
And gone is the dark­ness of night;
The stone has been rolled from the pri­son;
He lives in His glo­ry and might.


He lives! O be glad on the earth!
He lives! Je­sus lives!
Up from the grave He rose to save!
He lives, the Con­q’ror lives!

Rejoice in the glad Gos­pel sto­ry;
Rejoice in the pro­mise it gives
That we shall be­hold Him in glo­ry;
Rejoice, for we know Je­sus lives.


Rejoice for the joy it is bring­ing,
The hope of a glad, bright­er day;
O list, while the an­gels are sing­ing;
Go, bear ye the mes­sage away.
