Scripture Verse

I am the living Bread which came down from Heaven. John 6:51


Paul Heinlein (1626–1686)

Words: Jo­si­ah Con­der, The Star in the East (Lon­don: Tay­lor & Hes­sey, 1824), pages 57–58.

Music: Je­su, Je­su, du mein Hirt Paul Hein­lein, 1676 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Josiah Conder (1789–1855)


Bread of Heav’n! on Thee I feed,
For Thy flesh is meat in­deed.
Ever may my soul be fed
With this true and liv­ing Bread;
Day by day with strength sup­plied,
Through the life of Him who died.

Vine of Heav’n! Thy blood sup­plies
This blest cup of sac­ri­fice.
’Tis Thy wounds my heal­ing give,
To Thy cross I look, and live.
Thou my life! Oh, let me be
Rooted, graft­ed, built o Thee.