Scripture Verse

He that winneth souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30


Words & Mu­sic: Ed­mund S. Lo­renz, 1896 (🔊 pdf nwc). Appeared in Riches of Grace, by Ed­mund S. Lo­renz et al. (Day­ton, Ohio: Lo­renz, 1897), num­ber 1.

Edmund S. Lorenz (1854–1942)


We have found a blest em­ploy,
Work that brings su­prem­est joy,
Whose deep peace finds no al­loy—
Winning souls for the Mas­ter.


Winning souls, win­ning souls,
Bringing them to the bless­èd Mas­ter!
Winning souls, win­ning souls,
Winning souls for the Mas­ter!

What tho’ tri­als we must face,
What tho’ thor­ny paths we trace,
God still grants abound­ing grace—
Winning souls for the Mas­ter.


For each long­ing soul to win,
For each pang o’er oth­er sin,
Christ more ful­ly reigns with­in,
Winning souls for the Mas­ter.


Gladness here and rap­ture there
O’er the ga­thered sheaves so fair,
Which we to the gar­ner bear,
Winning souls for the Mas­ter.
