Scripture Verse

Thy kingdom come. Matthew 6:10


Isaac Woodbury (1819–1858)

Words: Will­iam H. Bath­urst, Psalms and Hymns 1831, pag­es 260–61.

Music: Lake Enon Is­aac B. Wood­bu­ry, 1856 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William H. Bathurst (1796–1877)


When shall Thy name be known,
Great God, in ev­ery land,
And na­tions bow be­fore Thy throne,
And bless Thy fos­ter­ing hand?

When will the day arise
On our be­night­ed race,
To shed on all be­low the skies
The beams of sav­ing grace?

The pro­mise has been made
That all shall know Thy name;
O grant us then Thy need­ful aid,
Thy wan­der­ing flock re­claim.

Let earth’s re­mot­est bound
The joy­ful tid­ings hear,
That a Re­deem­er hath been found
To bring sal­va­tion near.

O let Thy grace com­plete
The work it has begun,
And put all foes be­neath the feet
Of Thy vic­to­ri­ous Son.