Scripture Verse

We would see Jesus. John 12:21


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: An­na B. War­ner. This hymn was in­clud­ed in her no­vel Dol­lars and Cents, 1852. The book was re­pub­lished in Lon­don in 1853, re­ti­tled Spe­cu­la­tion; or the Glen-Lu­na Fa­mi­ly.

Music: Vi­sio Do­mi­ni John B. Dykes, 1871 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Anna B. Warner (1827–1915)


We would see Je­sus; for the sha­dows length­en
Across this lit­tle land­scape of our life;
We would see Je­sus, our weak faith to strength­en
For the last wea­ri­ness, the fi­nal strife.

We would see Je­sus, the great rock found­ation
Whereon our feet were set with so­ver­eign grace;
Nor life nor death, with all their agi­ta­tion,
Can thence re­move us, if we see His face.

We would see Je­sus; oth­er lights are pal­ing,
Which for long years we have re­joiced to see;
The bless­ings of our pil­grim­age are fail­ing;
We would not mourn them, for we go to Thee.

We would see Je­sus; yet the spir­it lin­gers
Round the dear ob­jects it has loved so long,
And earth from earth can scarce un­clasp its fin­gers;
Our love to Thee makes not this love less strong.

We would see Je­sus: sense is all too bind­ing,
And Hea­ven ap­pears too dim, too far away;
We would see Thee, Thy­self our hearts re­mind­ing
What Thou hast suf­fered, our great debt to pay.

We would see Je­sus: this is all we’re need­ing;
Strength, joy, and will­ing­ness come with the sight;
We would see Je­sus, dy­ing, ris­en, plead­ing;
Then wel­come day, and fare­well mor­tal night.