Scripture Verse

God Himself is with us for our captain. 2 Chronicles 13:12


Richard W. Adams (1952–)

Words: Na­than­iel Bar­na­by (1829–1915).

Music: Jai­pur, from Jo­hann M. Hay­dn (1737–1806). Adapt­ed by Rich­ard W. Ad­ams, 2016 (pub­lic do­main) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Nathaniel Barnaby (1829–1915)


To Je­sus our cap­tain,
To Je­sus our king
To Je­sus in glo­ry,
Our prais­es we bring;
Our cap­tain has co­nquered,
Come see in His train
The foes He has cap­tured,
The sins He has slain.

We too are His sol­diers,
We arm for the fight,
And wide waves our ban­ner,
Our ar­mor is bright;
We’ve breast­plate and helmet,
And broad­sword and shield,
Our sins are the foe­men,
Our lives are the field.

Our king sits tri­um­phant,
And close at His feet
Are thou­sands of child­ren
From al­ley and street;
From pal­ace and cot­tage,
From mount­ain and plain,
From earth passed to Heav­en,
They stand in His train.

The King in His glo­ry,
They see and adore,
The King in His beau­ty,
His great­ness and pow­er;
The King in His mercy,
Compassion and love,
We see, and press for­ward
To meet Him above.

Then let us adore Him
And bow at His feet,
And give Him the glo­ry
And praise that is meet;
Let joy­ful ho­san­nas
Unceasing arise
To swell the full chorus
That glad­dens the skies.