Scripture Verse

Many shall come from the east and west. Matthew 8:11


William Cushing (1823–1902)

Words: Will­iam O. Cush­ing, 1886.

Music: Ed­mund S. Lor­enz (🔊 pdf nwc).

Edmund S. Lorenz


There are mill­ions now who have heard His voice;
They are com­ing at His call;
They have cast their re­bel wea­pons down,
And own Him Lord of all.


They are com­ing home,
They are com­ing home,
They are com­ing,
Coming at the Sav­ior’s call;
All the world is com­ing now
At the feet of Christ to bow,
And to own Him Lord of all.

Send the tid­ings forth o’er the earth’s wide bound;
There is par­don full and free;
Let the Sav­ior’s glo­ri­ous tri­umphs roll,
Till all His glo­ry see.


May the truth shine forth with its ho­ly light,
Like a ban­ner flash­ing wide;
Where the souls op­pressed may find their rest,
And in His strength abide.
