Scripture Verse

The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp. Revelation 21:23


William Cushing

Words: Will­iam O. Cush­ing, 1896.

Music: Ira D. San­key (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)

One night dur­ing the Box­er re­volt [1899–1901], when the Chi­nese had set fire to ma­ny build­ings and it seemed as though all the mis­sion­ar­ies and na­tive Chris­tians in a be­sieged city would be de­stroyed, the child­ren be­long­ing to the Jun­ior Chris­tian En­dea­vor So­ci­ety held a meet­ing in a cha­pel. While the crack­ling of the flames, the sharp re­port of Chinese guns, and the cries of men and wo­men run­ning to and fro were rend­ing the air, these lit­tle dis­ci­ples of Je­sus were sing­ing: There’ll be no dark val­ley when Je­sus Comes.

A mis­sion­ary, work­ing in the slums of a ci­ty in Ire­land, writes me as fol­lows: I feel con­strained to thank you from the bot­tom of my heart for all the great bless­ings I have re­ceived from sing­ing your songs. I am a work­er in the slums of—and I find that your songs reach the hearts of fall­en men and wo­men be­fore any­thing else.

I have just re­turned home from our meet­ing, and the mes­sage I sang to-night was your sweet song, There’ll be no dark val­ley when Je­sus comes. I want to thank you in par­ti­cu­lar for this song, be­cause it pre­sents death to us in such a glo­ri­ous way. The old Welsh peo­ple used to speak and sing of death as some­thing ve­ry fear­ful—a dark ri­ver, great waves, and so on—and I re­mem­ber my dear mo­ther sing­ing all the Welsh hymns re­ferr­ing to death, un­til I shud­dered.

But, praise the Lord, I know now that it is dif­fer­ent. Your lit­tle song has con­firmed this be­lief in me not on­ly, but in ma­ny, ma­ny more souls.

Sankey, pp. 284–85


There’ll be no dark val­ley when Je­sus comes,
There’ll be no dark val­ley when Je­sus comes;
There’ll be no dark val­ley when Je­sus comes
To gather His loved ones home.


To ga­ther His loved ones home (safe home),
To ga­ther His loved ones home (safe home);
There’ll be no dark val­ley when Je­sus comes
To ga­ther His loved ones home.

There’ll be no more sor­row when Je­sus comes,
There’ll be no more sor­row when Je­sus comes;
But a glo­ri­ous mor­row when Je­sus comes
To ga­ther His loved ones home.


There’ll be no more weep­ing when Je­sus comes,
There’ll be no more weep­ing when Je­sus comes;
But a bless­èd reap­ing when Je­sus comes
To gather His loved ones home.


There’ll be songs of greet­ing when Je­sus comes,
There’ll be songs of greet­ing when Je­sus comes;
And a joy­ful meet­ing when Je­sus comes
To ga­ther His loved ones home.
