The great day of the Lord is near.
Zephaniah 1:14
Words: Kate Ulmer, in Sunday School Hymns No. 1 (New York: Tullar-Meredith, 1903), number 101.
Music: William A. Post (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Ulmer or Post (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
Sweet is the message
Of full and free salvation,
Ringing across earth’s long and weary night;
Bringing glad hope of a new and bright creation,
Where power of sin no more can mar or blight.
Message of joy, speed, O,
Speed with light and gladness,
To all believers bear the tidings great.
Bidding them banish
With praise all their sadness
And with rejoicing that great day await.
Jesus is coming,
O tell the blessèd story,
Coming redemption fully to complete;
Then we shall view all the fullness of His glory,
O, let us fall adoring at His feet.
When He shall come
In His mighty power all glorious,
He will His joy with all the faithful share;
For He has promised that those thro’ life victorious,
With Him shall reign and crowns unfading wear.
With this bright hope
Shall our lips be mute to praises?
Or shall we stoop to joys the world may bring?
Nay! while the eye of our faith still upward gazes,
Let us be ready to receive our king.