Scripture Verse

The great day of the Lord is near. Zephaniah 1:14


Words: Kate Ul­mer, in Sun­day School Hymns No. 1 (New York: Tul­lar-Me­re­dith, 1903), num­ber 101.

Music: Will­iam A. Post (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ul­mer or Post (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Sweet is the mes­sage
Of full and free sal­va­tion,
Ringing across earth’s long and wea­ry night;
Bringing glad hope of a new and bright cre­ation,
Where pow­er of sin no more can mar or blight.


Message of joy, speed, O,
Speed with light and glad­ness,
To all be­liev­ers bear the tid­ings great.
Bidding them ban­ish
With praise all their sad­ness
And with re­joic­ing that great day await.

Jesus is com­ing,
O tell the bless­èd st­ory,
Coming re­demp­tion ful­ly to com­plete;
Then we shall view all the full­ness of His glo­ry,
O, let us fall ad­or­ing at His feet.


When He shall come
In His migh­ty pow­er all glo­ri­ous,
He will His joy with all the faith­ful share;
For He has pro­mised that those thro’ life vic­to­ri­ous,
With Him shall reign and crowns un­fad­ing wear.


With this bright hope
Shall our lips be mute to prais­es?
Or shall we stoop to joys the world may bring?
Nay! while the eye of our faith still up­ward gaz­es,
Let us be rea­dy to re­ceive our king.
