Scripture Verse

The Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces. Isaiah 25:8


Words: John W. James, in New Songs of the Gos­pel No. 2, ed­it­ed by Her­bert J. La­cey, C. Aus­tin Miles & Mau­rice A. Clif­ton (pseu­do­nym of J. Lin­coln Hall) (New York: Hall-Mack, 1905), page 24.

Music: Pla­ce­ri­ta John J. Lowe (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of James or Lowe (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Some hap­py day, mine eyes shall see,
The face of Him who died for me;
I’ll praise Him thro’ eter­ni­ty,
Some hap­py day, some hap­py day.


Some hap­py day, some hap­py day,
The Lord will wipe our tears away,
And we shall see Him as He is,
Some hap­py day, some hap­py day.

Some hap­py day, I too shall sing
The song that makes all Heav­en ring;
Worthy the Lamb, our Lord and king,
Some hap­py day, some hap­py day.


Some hap­py day, O bless­èd thought,
The race is run, the bat­tle fought;
We’ll join the throng by His blood bought,
Some hap­py day, some hap­py day.


Some hap­py day, ‘tis draw­ing near,
The thought my faint­ing soul doth cheer;
Sweet wel­come from His lips to hear
Some hap­py day, some hap­py day.
