Scripture Verse

Whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. Mark 10:44


Words: Charles Wes­ley, cen­to from Son of the Car­pen­ter, Re­ceive, in Hymns and Po­ems, 1739.

Music: Az­mon Carl G. Gläs­er, 1828. Ar­ranged by Low­ell Ma­son, Mo­dern Psalm­ist, 1839 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Servant of all, to toil for man
Thou didst not, Lord, re­fuse;
Thy ma­jes­ty did not dis­dain
To be em­ployed for us.

Son of the car­pen­ter, re­ceive
This hum­ble work of mine;
Worth to my mean­est la­bor give,
By join­ing it to Thine.

End of my ev­ery action Thou,
In all things Thee I see;
Accept my hal­lowed la­bor now,
I do it un­to Thee.

Thy bright ex­am­ple I pur­sue,
To Thee in all things rise;
And all I think or speak or do
Is one great sac­ri­fice.

Careless through out­ward cares I go,
From all dis­tract­ion free;
My hands are but en­gaged be­low,
My heart is still with Thee.