Scripture Verse

Full of power by the Spirit of the Lord. Micah 3:8


Elisha A. Hoffman (1839–1929)

Words: Eli­sha A. Hoff­man, 1904.

Music: Ben­ja­min F. Butts (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Butts (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Spirit of pow­er, an­oint me for ser­vice,
Spirit of ho­li­ness, cleanse Thou my heart;
Give to my soul of Thy­self a new vi­sion,
And a new mea­sure of pow­er im­part.


Fill me with pow­er for ser­vice and use me;
Is there not some work my weak hands can do?
Make me a chan­nel of life and of bless­ing,
And with the Spir­it an­oint me anew.

Not one lost soul have I won for Thy king­dom,
All of my life has been fruit­less and waste;
Others have joy for the jew­els in­ga­thered;
May not my soul of this joy have a taste?


Never be­fore has my soul so an hun­gered
For Thy in­fill­ing, O Spir­it of love!
Come to the throne, be my mas­ter and rul­er,
Reign Thou and draw my af­fect­ions above.


Myself I yield in com­plete con­se­cr­ation,
Body and spir­it and soul to be Thine;
Spirit of pow­er, re­gard Thou my yearn­ings,
And fill Thou me with Thy full­ness di­vine.
