Scripture Verse

Who is on the Lord’s side? Exodus 32:26


John H. Alleman (1859–1938)

Words: John H. Al­le­man, 1897.

Music: Charles K. Lang­ley, Sr. (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles K. Langley, Sr. (1852–1904)


When the pen­du­lum of time
Shall for­ev­er cease to swing,
And Je­ho­vah’s trump
O’er all the earth shall sound;
When the na­tions all shall rise,
Marching forth in so­lemn tread,
Tell, oh, tell me, On which side
Will you be found?


On the Lord’s side, on the Lord’s side,
I will answer when
Jehovah’s trump shall sound;
On the Lord’s side, on the Lord’s side,
Safely ga­thered with the faith­ful
I’ll be found.

When the Book is op­ened there
In the pre­sence of the King,
And the mil­lions crowd
The judg­ment bar around;
When the hosts of great and small,
Over there be­fore Him stand,
With the just up­on the right
Will you be found?


There the sec­rets of the heart,
Good or ev­il tho’ they be,
He the right­eous Judge
Will her­ald far and near;
When the na­tions He di­vides,
As the shep­herd doth his sheep,
Tell, oh, tell me, on which side
Will you ap­pear?
