Scripture Verse

Who is on the Lord’s side? Exodus 32:26


John H. Alleman (1859–1938)

Words: John H. Al­le­man, 1897.

Music: Charles K. Lang­ley, Sr. (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles K. Langley, Sr. (1852–1904)


When the pendulum of time
Shall for­ev­er cease to swing,
And Je­ho­vah’s trump
O’er all the earth shall sound;
When the nations all shall rise,
Marching forth in solemn tread,
Tell, oh, tell me, On which side
Will you be found?


On the Lord’s side, on the Lord’s side,
I will answer when
Jehovah’s trump shall sound;
On the Lord’s side, on the Lord’s side,
Safely gathered with the faithful
I’ll be found.

When the Book is opened there
In the presence of the King,
And the millions crowd
The judg­ment bar around;
When the hosts of great and small,
Over there before Him stand,
With the just upon the right
Will you be found?


There the secrets of the heart,
Good or evil tho’ they be,
He the righteous Judge
Will herald far and near;
When the nations He divides,
As the shepherd doth his sheep,
Tell, oh, tell me, on which side
Will you appear?
