Scripture Verse

In Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit. Ephesians 2:22


Philipp Nicolai (1556–1608)

Words: Mi­chael Schir­mer, 1640 (O heil­ig­er Geist, kehr bei uns in). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ca­the­rine Wink­worth, Chor­ale Book for Eng­land, 1863.

Music: Wie schön leuch­tet Phi­lipp Ni­co­lai, 1599 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Catherine Winkworth


O Ho­ly Spir­it, en­ter in,
Among these hearts Thy work be­gin,
Thy temple deign to make us;
Sun of the soul, Thou Light di­vine,
Around and in us bright­ly shine,
To strength and glad­ness wake us.
Where Thou shin­est, life from Heav­en
There is giv­en; we be­fore Thee
For that pre­cious gift im­plore Thee.

Give to Thy Word impress­ive pow’r
That in our hearts, from this good hour,
As fire it may be glow­ing;
That we con­fess the Fa­ther, Son,
And Thee, the Spir­it, Three in One,
Thy glo­ry ev­er show­ing.
Stay Thou, guide now
Our souls ever that they nev­er
May for­sake Thee.
May in love be still in­creas­ing.

Thou fount­ain whence all wis­dom flows
Which God on pi­ous hearts be­stows,
Grant us Thy con­so­la­tion
That in our pure faith’s uni­ty
We faith­ful wit­ness­es maybe
Of grace that bring sal­va­tion.
Hear us, cheer us,
By Thy teach­ing; let our preach­ing,
And our la­bor praise Thee,
Lord, and serve our neigh­bor.

Left to our­selves, we shall but stray;
O lead us on the nar­row way,
With wis­est coun­sel guide us;
And give us stead­fast­ness, that we
May hence­forth tru­ly fol­low Thee,
Whatever woes be­tide us;
Heal Thou gent­ly hearts now brok­en,
Give some tok­en Thou art near us,
Whom we trust to light and cheer us.

Thy heav’n­ly strength sus­tain our heart
That we may act the val­iant part
With Thee as our re­li­ance;
Be Thou our re­fuge and our shield
That we may nev­er quit the field,
But bid all foes de­fi­ance.
Descend, de­fend
From all er­rors and earth’s ter­rors
Thy sal­va­tion be our con­stant con­so­la­tion.

O migh­ty Rock, O Source of life,
Let Thy dear word ’mid doubt and strife
Be so with­in us burn­ing,
That we be faith­ful un­to death,
In Thy pure love and ho­ly faith,
From Thee true wis­dom learn­ing!
Lord, Thy graces on us show­er;
By Thy pow­er Christ con­fess­ing,
Let us win His grace and bless­ing.

O gen­tle dew, from Heav­en now fall
With pow­er up­on the hearts of all,
Thy ten­der love in­still­ing,
That heart to heart more close­ly bound,
In kind­ly deeds be fruit­ful found,
The law of love ful­fill­ing.
Dwell thus in us; en­vy ban­ish;
Strife will van­ish where Thou liv­est.
Peace and love and joy Thou giv­est.

Grant that our days, while life shall last,
In pur­est ho­li­ness be passed;
Our minds so rule and strength­en
That they may rise o’er things of earth,
The hopes and joys that here have birth;
And if our course Thou length­en,
Keep Thou pure, Lord, from of­fens­es
Heart and sens­es; bless­èd Spir­it,
Bid us thus true life in­her­it.