Scripture Verse

Perfect love casteth out fear. 1 John 4:18


Daniel S. Evans (1818–1903)

Words: Ca­ro­lyn W. Gil­lette, 2011. The fol­low­ing hymn was writ­ten for the Tenth An­ni­ver­sa­ry of [the ter­ror­ist at­tack on] Sep­tem­ber 11th.

Music: Llan­glo­ffan, from Hym­nau a Tho­nau, by Da­ni­el S. Ev­ans (Lon­don: No­vel­lo, 1865) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Carolyn W. Gillette (1961–)


O God, our hearts were shattered
On that horrendous day;
We heard the news and gathered
To grieve and then to pray.
We cried to you and wondered,
Where did the violence start?
The world as we had known it
Had just been torn apart.

We heard of those who perished—
Of heroes’ sacrifice.
We paused again to cherish
The gifts of love and life.
We worried for the future;
We hugged our loved ones then.
We cried, Can peace be found here?
We can’t let terror win!

Some sought to answer terror
The only way they knew—
With anger toward the stranger
And calls for vengeance, too.
Yet this is not your answer,
Nor what you would create.
May we live toward a future
Where love will conquer hate.

God, give us faith and wisdom
To be your healing hands;
Give open minds that listen
To truth from all your lands.
Give strength to work for justice;
Grant love that casts out fear.
Then peace and not destruction
Will be the victor here.