Scripture Verse

Why are ye troubled? Luke 24:38


Horatio Palmer

Words: Ho­ra­tio R. Pal­mer, in Hymns of the Church Mi­li­tant, ed­it­ed by An­na B. War­ner (New York: Ro­bert Car­ter & Bro­thers, 1858).

Music: Rideau, Her­bert San­ders, in the Me­tho­dist Hymn and Tune Book (Toronto, Ca­na­da: Me­tho­dist Book & Pub­lish­ing House, 1917), num­ber 549 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Sand­ers (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O eyes that are wea­ry, and hearts that are sore,
Look on­ly to Je­sus, now sor­row no more!
The light of His coun­te­nance shin­eth so bright,
That here, as in Heav­en, there need be no night.

While look­ing to Je­sus, my heart can­not fear;
I trem­ble no more when I see Je­sus near;
I know that His pre­sence my safe­guard will be,
For Why are ye trou­bled? He saith unto me.

Still look­ing to Je­sus, O may I be found,
When Jordan’s dark waters en­compass me round;
They bear me away in His pre­sence to be;
I see Him still near­er whom al­ways I see.

Then, then shall I know the full beau­ty and grace
Of Je­sus, my Lord, when I stand face to face;
Shall know how His love went be­fore me each day,
And won­der that ever my eyes turned away.