Scripture Verse

There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish. But what are they among so many people? John 6:9


Words: Adapt­ed in the Pri­ma­ry Teach­ers’ Ma­nu­al, ed­it­ed by Chris­to­pher R. Black­all, Kate Her­shey Row­land & Car­rie H. Smith (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Am­eri­can Bap­tist Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­ety, 1913), num­ber 18.

Music: Swal­low­nest Ju­li­ette A. G. Ad­ams, 1913 (🔊 pdf nwc). Some hym­nals re­fer to her as Mrs. Cros­by Adams.

Juliette A. G. Adams (1858–1951)


Miracle of the Bread and Fish
Giovanni Lanfranco, circa 1621

Lord, when to Thee a lit­tle lad
Brought the small loaves of bread,
Thy touch en­larged the gift, un­til
Five thou­sand men were fed.

So wilt Thou take our of­fer­ings small,
Of time, and work, and love,
And mul­ti­ply them ma­ny-fold,
With bless­ings from above.