Scripture Verse

Other [seed] fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit a hundredfold. Luke 8:8


William Havergal (1793–1870)

Words: Charles Wes­ley (1707–1788), in the Wes­ley ma­nu­scripts.

Music: Swa­bia Jo­hann M. Spiess, in Da­vids Harpf­fen-Spiel (Hei­del­berg, Ger­ma­ny: 1745). Ar­ranged by Will­iam H. Ha­ver­gal, 1847 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Lord, if at Thy com­mand
The word of life we sow,
Watered by Thy al­migh­ty hand,
The seed shall sure­ly grow.

The vir­tue of Thy grace
A large in­crease shall give,
And mul­ti­ply the faith­ful race
Who to Thy glo­ry live.

Now then the cease­less show­er
Of Gos­pel bless­ings send,
And let the soul con­vert­ing pow­er
Thy min­is­ters at­tend.

On mul­ti­tudes con­fer
The heart re­new­ing love,
And by the joy of grace pre­pare
For full­er joys above.