Scripture Verse

The star…went before them. Matthew 2:9


J. Lincoln Hall (1866–1930)

Words: Sa­la­thi­el C. Kirk, in The Voice of Praise, ed­it­ed by Lin­coln Hall et al. (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Hall-Mack, 1904), num­ber 211.

Music: J. Lin­coln Hall (🔊 pdf nwc).

Salathiel C. Kirk (1845–1913)


Ten thou­sand bright ce­les­tial lights
Adorn the east­ern sky,
But one, and one alone, in­vites
The watch­er’s wist­ful eye.
Lead on, lead on,
Lead on, thou star­ry light,
Lead on, lead on,
The pil­grims thro’ the night.


Bright orb of night, ce­les­ti­al gem,
The star of Beth­le­hem!
The dark­some night will soon be gone,
Bright star, lead on, lead on!
Lead on, lead on, bright star, lead on!

O strange and won­drous orb of light,
Of all the hosts the gem,
Thy star­ry path­way thro’ the night
Leads on to Beth­le­hem!
Lead on, lead on,
Lead on, thou star­ry light,
Lead on, lead on,
The pil­grims thro’ the night.


Lo, now it rests—O, can it be—
Above yon low­ly home!
O, can it be that here has He,
The world’s Re­deem­er, come?
Lead on, lead on,
Lead on, thou star­ry light,
Lead on, lead on,
The pil­grims thro’ the night.


Farewell, fare­well, thou gem of night,
Thy glo­ry shall de­cline;
But with thy fad­ing breaks the light
That shall for­ev­er shine!
Lead on, lead on,
Lead on, thou star­ry light,
Lead on, lead on,
The pil­grims thro’ the night.
