Scripture Verse

The everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:11


James Fillmore (1849–1936)

Words: An­drew A. Veatch, in Gems and Jew­els, by James Fill­more & James H. Ro­se­crans (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Fill­more Bro­thers, 1890), num­ber 138.

Music: James H. Fill­more (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Veatch,

Andrew A. Veatch (1866–1951)


This world is fair, this life is sweet,
Where na­ture’s charms sur­round us;
And warmth and beau­ty blend and meet
Harmoniously around us;
But bright­er vi­sions of de­light,
Come o’er us as we pon­der,
That bless­èd realm be­yond our sight,
The king­dom ov­er yon­der.
Over yon­der, ov­er yon­der,
In the king­dom ov­er yon­der,
That bless­èd realm be­yond our sight,
In the king­dom ov­er yon­der.

I watch on drea­my shore and sea,
The sun­beams glance and qui­ver,
And think how fair the day must be
That shines across the ri­ver.
I hear the sea­son’s change­ful notes,
As ’round the world they wan­der,
And think what grand­er mu­sic floats
In the kingdom ov­er yon­der.
Over yon­der, ov­er yon­der,
In the king­dom ov­er yon­der,
And think what grand­er mu­sic floats
In the king­dom ov­er yon­der.

I hear sweet words and ten­der vows,
From dear com­pan­ions prov­ing
By ev­ery sign af­fect­ion knows,
How ear­nest is their lov­ing;
Then muse up­on that high­er love,
Which speaks in lang­uage fon­der,
Where spir­its meet and ser­aphs move,
In the king­dom ov­er yon­der.
Over yon­der, ov­er yon­der,
In the king­dom ov­er yon­der,
Where spir­its meet and se­raphs move,
In the king­dom ov­er yon­der.