Scripture Verse

Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles We­sley, Hymns for the Na­ti­vi­ty of Our Lord (Lon­don: Will­iam Stra­han, 1745), num­ber 6.

Music: Cros­by John D. Brunk, 1911 (🔊 pdf nwc).

John D. Brunk (1872–1926)


Join all ye joy­ful na­tions
The ac­claim­ing hosts of Heav’n!
This hap­py morn a child is born
To us a son is giv­en.

The mes­sen­ger and to­ken
Of eter­nal favor,
God hath sent down to us His Son,
A uni­vers­al Sav­ior!

The won­der­ful Mes­si­ah,
Joy of ev­ery na­tion,
Jesus His name, with God the fame,
The Lord of all cre­ation.

The coun­sel­or of sin­ners,
Almighty to de­liv­er,
The Prince of Peace, whose love’s in­crease,
Shall reign in man for­ev­er.

Go see the King of glo­ry,
Discern the heav­en­ly stran­ger,
So poor and mean, His court and inn,
His cra­dle is a man­ger.

Who from His Fa­ther’s bosom
But now for us des­cend­ed
Who built the skies, on earth He lies,
With on­ly beasts at­tend­ed.

Whom all the an­gels wor­ship,
Lies hid in hu­man na­ture;
Incarnate see the De­ity,
The in­fi­nite Cre­at­or!

See the stu­pen­dous bless­ing
God to us hath giv­en!
A child of man, in length a span,
Who fills both earth and Heav­en.

Gaze on that help­less ob­ject,
Of end­less ado­ra­tion!
Those in­fant hands shall burst our bands,
And work out our sal­va­tion.

Strangle the crook­ed ser­pent,
Destroy his works for­ev­er,
And op­en set the heav­en­ly gate
To ev­ery true be­liev­er.

Till then, Thou ho­ly Je­sus,
We hum­bly bow be­fore Thee,
Our trea­sures bring, to serve our king,
And joy­ful­ly adore Thee.

To Thee we glad­ly ren­der,
Whate’er Thy grace hath giv­en,
Till Thou ap­pear in glo­ry here,
And take us up to Heav­en.