Scripture Verse

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. Revelation 4:8


R. Michael Cullinan (1937–)

Words: R. Michael Cullinan, 1996.

Music: Ab­er­yst­wyth (Par­ry) Jo­seph Par­ry, 1876. First pub­lished in Ed­ward Ste­phens’ Ail Lyfr To­nau ac Emynau, 1879 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Joseph Parry (1841–1903)


Holy, ho­ly, ho­ly Lord
God in Heav’n—on earth adored;
Holy Fa­ther, Ho­ly Son,
Holy Spi­rit, with Them One.
Lord, Cre­at­or of all things,
God of pro­phets, priests and kings:
When th’ap­point­ed time had come,
You sent us Your on­ly Son.

Send up­on our gifts this day
Blessings from Your throne, we pray.
May Your Spi­rit be out­poured
At this en­trance of the Lord.
Let this bread and wine be­come
Flesh and Blood of Your dear Son,
That we may unit­ed be
With our Lord eter­nal­ly.

On the night He was be­trayed,
As the ev­en­ing sun did fade,
Our Lord Je­sus Christ took bread,
Giving thanks, blessed it and said:
This, My Body, is for you,
And My Blood—the Cov’nant New.
Eat and drink this sac­ra­ment;
My gift is your nour­ish­ment.

Jesus Christ, in­car­nate One,
Son of God and Ma­ry’s son,
We re­call Your hum­ble birth:
King of Heav’n and Lord of earth!
We re­call Your pain and grief,
Endless ang­uish, no re­lief,
When up­on that tree You died
For the Church, Your chos­en Bride.

But no grave, the Lord, could hold;
Hence the stone away was rolled,
When the re­sur­rect­ed Lord
Rose so that He might award
Victory ov­er death and grave
To those whom He came to save.
Now in hea­ven He shall reign
’Til we see Him come again.

Send to us Your Spi­rit, Lord;
By His pre­sence be out­poured
Grace on grace and love on love—
Every bless­ing from above.
Bless Your Church on earth; pre­serve
All her lead­ers as they serve.
Be with all for whom we pray
As we in­ter­cede this day.

Our hearts, long­ing from with­in,
Ache for free­dom from our sin.
In Your mer­cy, hear our cry
To be with Your saints on high.
God our Fa­ther and the Son
And the Spi­rit, with Them One:
You we hon­or and adore
With our prais­es ev­er­more.