Scripture Verse

Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2


Lewis T. Hartsough (1828–1919)

Words: Lew­is T. Hart­sough, in The Gos­pel Sing­er, ed­it­ed by Phi­lip Phil­lips (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Lee & Walk­er, 1874), page 61.

Music: Hart­sough Lew­is T. Hart­sough (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:


Lead me to the rock that’s high­er
Than the rock poor self can show;
Lead me to its per­fect shel­ter,
The strong tow­er from ev­ery foe.


In the high­er rock I’m trust­ing,
Restful, peace­ful, saved and free,
’Tis the test­ed rock of ag­es,
Its dear sha­dow shel­ters me.

Yes, the high­er rock so tow­er­ing
Gives, amid life’s rud­est storms,
Perfect re­fuge, sur­est safe­ty,
Sweetest rest amid al­arms.


’Tis the high­er rock that gives me
Faith’s glad strength for ev­ery hour;
Oh to mea­sure all its glad­ness,
All its pre­cious­ness of pow­er!


’Tis the high­er rock sus­tains me
Joyously from day to day;
Lifting heart, and soul, and spir­it,
To the pur­er, ho­li­er way.


’Tis the high­er rock that saves me,
’Tis the high­er rock I’ve found,
Where abide the crown­ing grac­es—
Faith and hope and love abound.


So will I sing prais­es to Thee—
For Thy won­drous pow­er to save;
Daily ’neath Thy sha­dow rest­ing,
Till the vic­tor’s palm I wave.
