Scripture Verse

Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he. Proverbs 16:20


Robert S. Bridges (1844–1930)

Words: Charles Cof­fin, in the Pa­ris Bre­vi­ary, 1736 (O quam juvat fratres, Deus). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Ro­bert S. Bridg­es in the Yat­ten­don Hym­nal (Ox­ford, Eng­land: B. H. Black­well, 1905).

Music: Bin­ches­ter Will­iam Croft, in Play­ford’s Di­vine Com­pan­ion, se­cond edi­tion, 1707, page 67 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William Croft (1678–1727)


Happy are they, they that love God,
Whose hearts have Christ con­fessed,
Who by His cross have found their life,
And ’neath His yoke their rest.

Glad is the praise, sweet are the songs,
When they to­ge­ther sing;
And strong the pray­ers that bow the ear
Of Hea­ven’s eter­nal King.

Christ to their homes giv­eth His peace,
And makes their loves His own;
But ah, what tares the evil one
Hath in his gar­den sown.

Sad were our lot, ev­il this earth,
Did not its sor­rows prove
The path where­by the sheep may find
The fold of Je­su’s love.

Then shall they know, they that love Him,
How all their pain is good;
And death it­self can­not un­bind
Their hap­py bro­ther­hood.