Scripture Verse

An angel of the Lord appeared…and…said to them, Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:9–11


Words & Mu­sic: Charles W. Wendte, Heart and Voice (Bo­ston, Mas­sa­chu­setts: George H. El­lis, 1909), num­ber 223 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles W. Wendte (1844–1931)


Bentleyville Tour of Lights (cropped & resized)
Sharon Mollerus

Happy Christ­mas! Hap­py Christ­mas!
Hear thy mu­sic on the air!
Bells are ring­ing, child­ren sing­ing,
Love and glad­ness ev­ery­where.
E’en the sad­dest heart grows cheer­ful
On this glo­ri­ous Christ­mas morn;
While above the sweet voiced an­gels
Sing for joy that Je­sus Christ is born.


Happy Christ­mas! Hap­py Christ­mas!
Hear thy mu­sic on the air!
Bells are ring­ing, child­ren sing­ing,
Love and glad­ness ev­ery­where.

Not alone in far Ju­dea,
Under Beth­l’em’s star­lit skies;
In our hearts and homes the Christ-child
Born anew, in beau­ty lies.
Angel songs and pi­ous rap­tures
Humble folk and kings of earth,
Joyous ti­dings, ho­ly vi­sions,
Greet once more, Mes­si­ah’s hal­lowed birth.


Born anew in hearts made ten­der,
Born anew in hearts made glad;
To fore­tell the reign of good­ness,
And the down­fall of the bad.
Truth shall tri­umph ov­er false­hood,
Right be vic­tor ov­er wrong;
Christian hearts! be­lieve, pro­claim it!
Chant it in your grate­ful Christ­mas song!
