Scripture Verse

…a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Revelation 22:1


Augustus D. Fillmore (1823–1870)

Words: Au­gus­tus D. Fill­more, The Vi­olet (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: R. W. Car­roll, 1867), num­ber 72, alt.

Music: John F. Kin­sey, in New Pearls of Song, ed­it­ed by Frank M. Da­vis (Ro­ches­ter, New York: Jo­seph P. Shaw, 1877), page 72 (🔊 pdf nwc).

John F. Kinsey (1852–1908)


The Bi­ble re­veals a glo­ri­ous land,
Where an­gels and glo­ri­fied sp­irits dwell;
Where plea­sures ne’er end at God’s right hand,
And an­thems of praise for­ev­er swell.


We shall meet in that glo­ri­ous land,
We shall meet in that glo­ri­ous land,
We shall meet in that glo­ri­ous land,
And sing ev­er­more with the an­gel band.

Outgushing be­neath the throne of God,
The bless­èd Lamb at His right hand,
There run­neth the crys­tal stream of life,
A fount­ain of joy in that glo­ri­ous land.


Then come, my dear child­ren, let us haste
To fin­ish our work with un­fal­ter­ing hand,
And soon the sweet joys of Heav’n we’ll taste,
With all the re­deemed in that glo­ri­ous land.
