Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


Words: Eli­za M. Sher­man, 1885, alt.

Music: Asa Hull (🔊 pdf nwc).


If you know where to get a good pho­to of Sher­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Asa Hull (1828–1907)


Softly down the lapse of ag­es,
Comes the echo soft and low;
(Glory in the high­est, glo­ry!)
Of the song in Beth­l’em car­oled,
Now two thou­sand years ago!
(Glory in the high­est, glo­ry!)


Glory in the high­est, glo­ry!
Glory in the high­est, glo­ry!
Glory in the high­est, glo­ry!
Glory! glo­ry!
Sweeter car­ol ne’er was sound­ed,
Than in Beth­le­hem was sung.
(Glory in the high­est, glo­ry!)

Glory in the hig­hest, glo­ry!
Christ the Lord is born to­day!
(Glory in the high­est, glo­ry!)
Chime, ye Christ­mas bells, the story,
Let the child­ren join the lay!
(Glory in the high­est, glo­ry!)


Ah! the ech­oes from the mount­ain!
And on moon­lit Ga­li­lee!
(Glory in the high­est, glo­ry!)
Never woke to sweet­er mu­sic
Than that Christ­mas me­lo­dy!
(Glory in the high­est, glo­ry!)


We can bring no east­ern trea­sure,
With their in­cense rare and sweet!
(Glory in the high­est, glo­ry!)
But our hearts, with love o’er­flow­ing,
We will lay at Je­sus’ feet.
(Glory in the high­est, glo­ry!)
