Scripture Verse

I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit. Isaiah 57:15


Maurice Greene (1696–1755)

Words: Hen­ry Ware, Jr., August 17, 1813.

Music: Crowle Mau­rice Greene, in James Green’s Book of Psal­mo­dy, 1724 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry Ware, Jr. (1794–1843)


God dwells in Heav’n: He rules above,
In ev­er­last­ing might,
Beyond where stars their cours­es move,
In un­cre­at­ed light.

God dwells in hell: His ven­geance there
Gleams through the black abode;
The realms of ang­uish and des­pair
Confess the pre­sent God.

God dwells on earth; and all around
We view His won­drous pow­er;
His ter­rors in the thun­der sound,
His mer­cies in the show­er.

When man erects a house of pray­er,
There God re­sides within,
To wit­ness ev­ery fee­ling there,
And par­don ev­ery sin.

But most of all the Lord re­sides
Within a hum­ble mind;
The worth that mo­dest mer­it hides
His grace is sure to find.

By pi­ous men He may be found,
And ev­ery­where adored;
Where’er they tread is ho­ly ground,
A tem­ple to the Lord.

O, let me find Thee ev­ery­where—
Around me, and with­in!
Be ev­ery day a day of pray­er,
And pure from ev­ery sin.