Scripture Verse

All power is given unto Me in Heaven and in earth. Matthew 28:18


James M. Gray (1851–1935)

Words: James M. Gray, 1903.

Music: Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner (🔊 pdf nwc).

Daniel Towner (1850–1919)


Christ Je­sus hath the pow­er,
The pow­er to for­give,
The pow­er to quick­en whom He will,
And make the sin­ner live.
Christ Je­sus hath the pow­er,
O tell it far and near!
O bring to Him your guil­ty heart,
And grace shall ban­ish fear!


Christ Je­sus hath the pow­er,
The pow­er of God He wields!
Christ Je­sus hath the pow­er,
My heart sur­ren­der yields!
Christ Je­sus hath the pow­er,
I trust Him ev­er­more!
Christ Je­sus hath the pow­er,
I wor­ship and adore!

Christ Je­sus hath the pow­er,
The pow­er to re­new,
The pow­er to cleanse your heart from sin,
And make you whol­ly true.
Christ Je­sus hath the pow­er
For ev­er­more to keep;
O none can pluck you from His hand,
Or rob Him of His sheep!


Christ Je­sus hath the pow­er,
The power to con­sole,
The pow­er to car­ry all your care—
On Him your bur­dens roll.
Christ Je­sus hath the pow­er,
To wipe the tear away;
O place in Him your con­fi­dence!
O trust Him, and ob­ey!


Christ Je­sus hath the pow­er,
The pow­er to de­stroy,
The power to bruise your en­emy
Who would your soul an­noy.
Christ Je­sus hath the pow­er,
When on your dy­ing bed,
To give your soul the vic­to­ry,
The pow­er to raise the dead!
