Scripture Verse

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11



Christoph von Schmid (1768–1854)

Words: Chris­toph von Schmid, 1794 (Ihr Kin­der­lein, kom­met, o kom­met doch all). Trans­lat­or un­known; ap­peared in the Sun­day School Hym­nal, Eng­lish Ev­an­gel­ic­al Lu­ther­an Sy­nod of Mis­sou­ri (St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri: Con­cor­dia Pub­lish­ing House, 1912). Click here for more backg­round in­for­ma­tion on the hymn.

Music: Ihr Kin­der­lein Kom­met Jo­hann A. P. Schulz, 1790 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Johann Schulz (1747–1800)


Come hi­ther, ye child­ren,
O come one and all,
To Beth­le­hem haste,
To the man­ger so small;
God’s Son for a gift
Has been sent you this night
To be your Re­deem­er,
Your joy and de­light.

He’s born in a sta­ble
For you and for me,
Draw near by the bright
Gleaming star­light to see,
In swad­dling clothes ly­ing,
So meek and so mild,
And pur­er than an­gels—
The heav­en­ly Child.

See Ma­ry and Jo­seph
With love-beam­ing eyes
Are gazing up­on
The rude bed where He lies;
The shep­herds are kneel­ing,
With hearts full of love,
While an­gels sing loud
Hallelujahs above.

Kneel down and ad­ore Him
With shep­herds to­day,
Lift up lit­tle hands now
And praise Him as they;
Rejoice that a Sav­ior
From sin you can boast,
And join in the song
Of the heav­en­ly host.

O Je­sus, my Sav­ior,
What must not be done,
What must not be suf­fered
For sin to atone!
From in­fan­cy sor­row
And pain Thou must know
Till Thou on the cross
Tasteth death’s bit­ter woe.

Dear Christ child, what gifts
Can we child­ren be­stow,
By which our af­fect­ion
And glad­ness to show?
No rich­es and trea­sures
Of val­ue can be,
But hearts that be­lieve
Are ac­cept­ed with Thee.

Our hearts, then, to Thee
We will of­fer to­day,
We of­fer them glad­ly;
Accept them we pray,
And make them so spot­less
And pure that we may
Abide in Thy pre­sence
In Hea­ven for aye.