Scripture Verse

Why shouldest thou die before thy time? Ecclesiastes 7:17


Edward J. Hopkins (1818–1901)

Words: Tho­mas Hast­ings, Spi­ri­tu­al Songs for So­cial Wor­ship, 1831, num­ber 315.

Music: Tar­ring Ed­ward J. Hop­kins, 1886 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Thomas Hastings (1784–1872)


Child of sin and sor­row,
Fillèd with dis­may,
Wait not for the mor­row,
Yield thee to­day:
Heaven bids thee come,
While yet there’s room,
Child of sin and sor­row,
Hear and ob­ey.

Child of sin and sor­row,
Why wilt thou die?
Come whilst thou can bor­row
Help from on high:
Grieve not that love
Which, from above,
Child of sin and sor­row,
Would bring thee nigh.

Child of sin and sor­row,
The mo­ments glide,
Like the flit­ting ar­row,
Or the rush­ing tide;
E’er time is o’er,
Heaven’s grace im­plore;
Child of sin and sor­row,
In Christ con­fide.

Child of sin and sor­row,
Cease now the tear;
Wait not for to­mor­row,
Banish thy fear!
Christ now re­ceives
Him who be­lieves,
Child of sin and sor­row,
Be of good cheer!