Scripture Verse

To all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. John 1:12


Barney E. Warren

Words & Mu­sic: Bar­ney E. War­ren, Truth in Song (An­der­son, In­di­ana: Gos­pel Trum­pet, 1907), num­ber 206 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Praise the Lord! my heart with His love is beam­ing,
I am a child of God;
Heaven’s gold­en light ov­er me is stream­ing,
I am a child of God.


I am a child of God, I am a child of God;
I have washed my robes in the cleans­ing fount­ain,
I am a child of God.

Let the saints re­joice with my rap­tured spirit,
I am a child of God;
I will tes­ti­fy, that the world may hear it,
I am a child of God.


Let a ho­ly life tell the Gos­pel sto­ry,
I am a child of God;
How He fills the soul with His grace and glo­ry,
I am a child of God.


Saved from sin to­day, ev­ery band is riv­en,
I am a child of God;
Thro’ the tests of life I have peace from Hea­ven,
I am a child of God.
