Scripture Verse

The wall…was of jasper, and the city was pure gold. Revelation 21:18


Laura E. Newell (1854–1916)

Words: Lau­ra E. New­ell, 1902.

Music: George B. Hol­sing­er (🔊 pdf nwc).

George B. Holsinger (1857–1908)


A ci­ty awaits us we soon shall be­hold,
Whose walls are of jas­per,
Whose streets are of gold;
Not half of its glo­ries have ev­er been told,
Blessèd home­land, dear home­land,
Sweet home of the soul.


Oh, I long, yes I long there to dwell,
Mid the plea­sures no mor­tal can tell,
In the place our dear Sav­ior
Has gone to pre­pare,
Blessèd home­land, dear home­land,
Sweet home of the soul.

The friends that we love
Who have gone on before,
Now wait for our com­ing
On yon­der bright shore,
Where day ne­ver fades,
Tears may fall ne­ver­more,
Blessèd home­land, dear home­land,
Sweet home of the soul.


O home­land, dear home­land!
Tho’ eye hath not seen,
And some­times the sha­do­wy
Clouds in­ter­vene,
Thy light we’ll be­hold,
And thy pas­tures so green,
Blessèd home­land, dear home­land,
Sweet home of the soul.
