Scripture Verse

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven. Matthew 5:16


Benjiman Sims

Words & Mu­sic: Ben­ji­man F. Sims, in Gos­pel Songs No. 2, ed­it­ed by Au­stin Tay­lor & George H. P. Sho­wal­ter (Aus­tin, Tex­as: Firm Foun­da­tion Pub­lish­ing, 1919) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Sims,


O, ye Chris­tian sol­diers,
As you march along,
Be a light for Je­sus ev­ery day;
Keep His ban­ner hoist­ed
All the whole day long
Be a light for Je­sus ev­ery day.


Be a light, be a light,
Be a light for Je­sus ev­ery day;
Be a light, be a light,
Be a light for Je­sus ev­ery day.

Keep your lamps trimmed,
Burning so that all may see,
Be a light for Je­sus ev­ery day;
Let the world see Je­sus
And from sin be free,
Be a light for Je­sus ev­ery day.


Thousands grope in dark­ness
That can ne­ver see,
Be a light for Je­sus ev­ery day;
Until we point them up to Mount Cal­va­ry,
Be a light for Je­sus ev­ery day.


Keep the light bright, shin­ing
All the world around,
Be a light for Je­sus ev­ery day;
’Till, re­leased from dark­ness
All the Lord have found,
Be a light for Je­sus ev­ery day.
